Waste Water Treatment

Wastewater treatment is a major environmental challenge. It is important to preserve our environment and above all the resource water for future generations.
Wastewater itself is increasingly regarded as a resource - the use of energy content, the recovery of important valuable substances such as phosphorus or the multiple use of water will be the challenges of the coming years.
Donau Chemie has many years of experience in chemical wastewater treatment. Our products are more than just effective phosphate precipitants. Constant, reliable quality and high security of supply are essential features of our products, which are also used effectively in highly loaded plants.
In addition to the classic ferric chlorides and polyaluminium chlorides, our products from the Donau Acquabella and Donau Evolution families enable us to combine different active ingredients and thus offer an optimal solution for each specific situation.
Products and Applications
- micropollutant removal
- phosphate precipitation
- sulfide precipitation
- flocculation
- odor control
- sludge conditioning
- Donau PAC Aquaclear, Donau Klar, Donau PAC, Donau Acquabella, Donau Evolution, Donau Action, Chlorine gas
- Wide range of applications from micropollutant removal to phosphate precipitation and odor control
- Flexible composition: broad concentration range, optimized combination of active ingredients
- High, consistent quality
- Supply reliability - 2 independent production sites
- Symposia and safety trainings