DONAU PAC® AQUACLEARYour product for Quaternary Treatment
The all-in-one product for CLEAN WATER.
Welcome to the future of wastewater treatment! We are setting new standards for clean water with our all-in-one product - DONAU PAC® AQUACLEAR.
The particular strength of DONAU PAC® AQUACLEAR lies in the removal of micropollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pesticides and other chemicals) and chemical phosphate precipitation - all without additional equipment or structural measures. This pioneering technology offers maximum effectiveness with very low investment costs and clearly calculable operating costs.
The outstanding effectiveness of DONAU PAC® AQUACLEAR has been scientifically tested and confirmed by renowned, independent institutions such as the Vienna University of Technology. DONAU PAC® AQUACLEAR has been successfully in use since 2021.
Read the technical article from the ÖWAV magazine:
Simultaneous removal of organic trace substances and phosphorus from municipal wastewater using an adsorption/precipitant suspension
Easily comply with the limit values for micropollutants and phosphates in the effluent. Step into the future of water treatment and make a contribution to the environment with DONAU PAC® AQUACLEAR.
- Proven and safe processes for delivery, storage and dosing remain unchanged
- No change to the hazardous goods class and classification
- No additional safety concept required (ATEX, explosion protection, N2/CO2 tanks)
- No danger and exposure to OZON and possible transformation products
- Micropollutants are bound in the sludge
- Efficient broadband effect
- Simultaneous micropollutant removal and phosphate precipitation
- Demand-based dosing ensures that the required limit values are adhered to or not exceeded

- No structural or mechanical investments required compared to alternative 4th purification stage processes
- Low maintenance, no expensive spare parts costs
- No change in energy consumption
- Demand-based and variable dosing
- Quick implementation possible within a few weeks
And even MORE.
- COD reduction
- Odor inhibition
- Optimum breakthrough protection for GAK filters
- Peak coverage during rain events
- Positive effects on the purification performance of the wastewater treatment plant and the sludge properties